Hello, friends you are welcome in this blog. you are scrolling on "About us" page of this blog here you can know about published year of blog, why we are and what we serve.
About Blog:
EE Hindi is published in 2020, "EE Hindi" is basically Electrical Engineering Hindi blog. that talks on the topics related to Science, Technology and Electrical & Electronics Engineering. for those who are knowledge seeker and want to pour yourself by wisdom.
Why we are:
The basic reason or motive to create "EE HINDI" is to share our technical and scientific interest with you in simple Hindi language. but to make more easier we have also use English language in many places.
What we serve:
By this blog/website we will mainly focus on students of engineering whether they belongs to ITI or Diploma or B.tech. next we will explore this blog/website into the platform of modern science and technology and also resolved the problem of reader who interest with the same.
At last want to say keep scrolling and consume more knowledge by visiting us the domain name is-
Thank you.
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